The Delaware Library Catalog is the library's online catalog. It will help you search for books related to your program of study. The catalog can be searched by title, author, or subject. Searches can be limited by type of library and/or location. Try searching the Delaware Library Catalog using the keywords listed below:
Air quality management Temperature Ventilation
For additional help searching the Delaware Library Catalog please review video below:
Browsing the book shelves in the library can also lead you to books you may not otherwise find related to your program of study. The main call numbers for materials on or related to Refrigeration Heating AC are:
Search and view the full text of eBooks provided by the databases listed below:
Credo Reference - Search in hundreds of reference resources and subject-specific titles, including images, audio files and videos.
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - Search and view the full text of eBooks.
Learning Express/PrepSTEP - Practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, eBooks, and information you need to achieve the results you want—at school, at work, or in life.
R2Library - Full-text e-books in the allied health, nursing, and medical fields.
You can place a hold on the book, and when it is available, it will be sent to the Delaware Tech library location that you choose.
Follow these easy steps:
To request books not available in the Delaware Library Catalog use the electronic form available here:
For additional help with Hold and Interlibrary Loan functions, please review the video below: