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As a Delaware Tech student, you have access to respected, high quality online databases that will provide you with the latest information in your field of study.  Library databases to which you have access are listed under the Resources tab at

The vast majority of articles that Delaware Tech students have access to are in electronic format.  Your Delaware Tech campus library purchases access to electronic databases that allow you to search for and access periodical articles to assist you in your research.

General Topics

  • Full Text Finder - Journal titles available in databases and journals to which the library may have access.
  • Credo Reference - Search in hundreds of reference resources and subject-specific titles, including images, audio files and videos.
  • Delaware Library Catalog - Books, periodicals, and other media of many Delaware public and academic libraries.
  • Kanopy (streaming video) - Get free access to thousands of movies.
  • EBSCOhost - Articles from thousands of journals, magazines and other sources in many disciplines.
  • Learning Express/PrepSTEP - Practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, eBooks, and information you need to achieve the results you want—at school, at work, or in life.
  • NY Times
  • Proquest Newspapers including The News Journal - This database enables users to search the most recent regional news content, as well as archives which stretch back to the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. The collection covers news sources from Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
  • SIRS - Background and analysis of current issues and all aspects of U.S. Federal Government.
  • Statista - Provider of market and consumer data.

Business/Computer Science/Engineering

  • EBSCOhost - Business Databases: Business Source Complete, Academic Search Complete, Regional Business News, Small Business Reference Center, Newspaper Source Plus

Criminal Justice/Human Services/Social Sciences


Allied Health/Nursing

  • EBSCOhost - Medical Databases: CINAHL, Health Source, MEDLINE, Academic Search
  • PsychiatryOnline - Features DSM-5®, the American Journal of Psychiatry, other psychiatric journals, textbooks, and APA Practice Guidelines.
  • R2Library - Full-text e-books in the allied health, nursing, and medical fields.

For additional help searching for articles, please review the video below:

What is an academic/scholarly journal?
A scholarly journal contains articles, reports, and reviews written by scholars to report results of research and other scholarly activities. For most student research papers and projects, scholarly articles are the best sources for supporting your arguments.

What are some of the characteristics of an academic/scholarly journal article?

• Academic journals are usually published or sponsored by a professional society/association or research institutes and/or universities.

• Tend to be longer articles about research and often uses scholarly or technical language.

• Include full citations for sources. 

• Academic articles within these journals are "refereed" or "peer reviewed," indicating that they have been reviewed by experts in the field before publication to determine their relevance and quality .

What are professional/trade publications?

Trade or professional publications are magazines, journals, and newspapers written for particular audiences. In general, a trade publication will contain news, current events information, articles, and ads of interest to people in that industry or profession.

  • Audience: Researchers and experts, members of a trade or profession, and the general public.
  • Provide information of use to a particular industry.
  • No specific format.
  • Articles sometimes unsigned.
  • General editors of the magazine review articles.
  • Advertising is used to appeal to those in the field.


To request articles not available as full-text in the library databases use the electronic form available here:

Interlibrary Loan

For additional help with the Interlibrary Loan function, review the video below: